Alors qu’elle était en ligne depuis deux jours sur le site officiel (IP.Board 2.3.4 chez IPS), la nouvelle version du script de forum IP.Board (longtemps connu sous le nom d’IPB) est téléchargeable sur ce même site.
Cette version est une version de maintenance destinée à corriger les problèmes signalés dans la version 2.3.3. Elle n’apporte donc pas de nouvelle fonctionnalité. Les possesseurs d’une licence active peuvent télécharger cette version depuis l’espace client IPS.
Liste des bugs corrigés depuis IP.Board 2.3.3 :
- Spelling
- Recursive cleaning values
- Guest Options – view User Avatar
- acp: css diff report
- Marking Password Forum As Read
- Total Disk Space
- Personal Photos With Transparent Backgrounds: Latest Visitors Shows as Black BG
- Long posts cause BBCode parsing to fail/hang
- Pro Skin – Easy CSS Edit – Changes turn page white
- Profiles: Dropdowns need wordwrapping
- IP.Board Pro skin replying box multiply bugs
- Profile Stats – Local Time
- Smiley box looses focus
- Logging into Admin CP counts as a failed login
- Change to Full Editor from Quick Edit doesn’t save Reason for Edit
- Unlimited PMs w/ Secondary Member Groups issues
- Subscription Expiration – Notification
- Skin API Failfails when not loading admin queries
- Wierd member names
- 0 as Member Title
- Parse bug…
- Javascript DST checking
- Thumbnail Attachments
- No thumbnail when thumbnails not generated
- modfilter=invisible_posts
- Moderators can’t merge topics if they can’t delete topics
- Last Active (Anonymous) – Profile
- Problem with posts (Linear+ mode)
- « My Assistant » close message is wrong
- Support Tab Links
- Marked posts not working in 2.3.3 sometimes
- Typo in subscription manager
- Nested Foreach in templates
- sprintf warning
- Foreach in templates where the function takes in no arguments
- ACP, bad grammar
- Member does not have a Display Name
- HTML enabled signatures not honored from ACP
- Subscriptions not deleted if perm. is changed
- Textarea Custom Profile Fields vs Registration Form
- Lang in Resend validation email
- Titles of protected topics are visible
- ACP – Add Member
- Rebuild thumbnails tool in the ACP
- BB Code / PM bug?
- IP.Board AdminCp ( IP.Converge Configuration)
- Moderation Logs
- $_SERVER[‘SHELL’] to $this->my_getenv(‘SHELL’)
- Missing quotes in ACP skindiff
- ipb_member_sync – on_login isn’t triggered when registering a new account
- Expected Format misses entry of 0
- $this->query_string_formatted… just take a look inside.
- MulitMod MySQL5 Strict Mode error
- Spelling typo in ACP
- More Strict Mode errors
- RSS Import threads seems to not shown as « unread » after creation
- Today Active Topics Markers Problem
- Average Posts per day
- Board offline
- Member advanced searching gives bad results
- Move topic to the same category – no error message
- Tools & Settings Misspelling
- New post indicators not working properly.
- [CODE] problem
- Member search options ver. 2.3.2
- Attachment limit, not fixed
- Remove orphaned attachments!!!!!!!!
- Over Attachment Limit
- Change Display Name bug
- Class_display.php php error
- Thumbnails always being generated
- IP.Board PRO skin possible bug
- Quick reply parse URI encoding
- Clickable Smilies
- Just BBCode Problem
- IP.Board Pro skin ,,My Friends,, window tabs bug
- find members post missing thumbnaiils
- Bug in Comment, Text Editor
- last_visit not updated?
- 2 things in acp after upgrade
- Subscription expired date is wrong.
- Navigation Bar on View Topic History
- Guest Posting
- Empty feeds
- Linear+ and Outline ware switched to Standard when you want to see Poll results
- Security precation can cause valid text to get replaced
- Mark all as Read fails on Main page
- searching not working properly
- Is this a bug?
- XML-RPC User will not delete
- [2.3.2] Missing unread-icons with « View New Posts »
- Number of guests is shown wrongly IPB 2.3.2
- Full and Update package discrepancies
- Upgrade a user to root admin via acp
- ACP main screen on a Converged board
- MySQL Strict mode error
- mysqli and alternate ports
Liste des fichiers modifiés depuis IP.Board 2.3.3 :
- converge_local
- apis
- server_functions.php
- apis
- init.php
- ips_kernel
- class_cache_eaccelerator.php
- class_db.php
- class_db_mssql.php
- class_db_oracle.php
- class_image.php
- class_ipsclass_core.php
- class_template_engine.php
- class_upload.php
- db_lib
- mssql_sqlsrv.php
- jscripts
- ipb_global.js
- ips_text_editor.js
- ips_text_editor_func.js
- resources
- help_sections.xml
- help_settings.xml
- ipb_templates.xml
- settings.xml
- version_history.php
- sources
- acp_loaders
- acp_pages_help.php
- action_admin
- dashboard.php
- member.php
- member_tools.php
- multi_moderate.php
- rebuild.php
- skin_css.php
- skin_diff.php
- support.php
- action_public
- forums.php
- login.php
- misc
- legends.php
- moderate.php
- online.php
- profile.php
- register.php
- search.php
- topics.php
- usercp.php
- xmlout.php
- api
- api_skins.php
- api_topics_and_posts.php
- classes
- attach
- plugin_msg.php
- plugin_post.php
- bbcode
- class_bbcode.php
- class_bbcode_core.php
- class_custom_fields.php
- class_display.php
- class_forums.php
- paymentgateways
- class_gw_nochex.php
- post
- class_post.php
- class_post_edit.php
- class_post_new.php
- class_post_reply.php
- attach
- components_acp
- downloads.php
- gallery.php
- handlers
- han_parse_bbcode.php
- ipsclass.php
- lib
- func_digest.php
- func_msg.php
- search_mssql_ftext.php
- search_mysql_ftext.php
- loginauth
- ipconverge
- auth.php
- login_core.php
- ipconverge
- sql
- mysql_extra_queries.php
- tasks
- expiresubs.php
- acp_loaders
Liste des changements des templates HTML :
ipb_difference_export.html (12.14Ko)
Merci à Erwin d’IBF pour cette traduction.