Visible sur le site officiel depuis quatre jours, la dernière mise à jour d’IP.Board est disponible dans l’espace client.
IP.Board 2.3.5 est une version de maintenance corrigeant des bugs signalés dans les versions précédentes et ajoutant quelques fonctionnalités.
Nouvelles fonctionnalités :
- Ajout des liens « Mon blog » et « Mon album » dans le menu déroulant du profil utilisateur ;
- Possibilité de changer l’URL du fichier d’action pour les uploads (utile pour les installions en « load-balancing ») ;
- Onglets « A propos de moi » et « Signature » dans la page de profil.
Liste des bugs corrigés :
- Inbox and Sent Items
- Storage Folders Not Sorted Alphabetically
- Settings with selecting root admin
- Small inconsistency with errors when adding moderators
- UCP Javascript Error
- ACP Smilie typo
- Removing country doesn’t work(Profile)
- Full and Quick Edit – Reason for edit
- Invalid HTML output in ssi.php
- Typo in ssi_templates/news.html
- CAPTCHA – Click to get new image
- Personal Photo too large, incorrect error
- JS error on members’ multicheck
- Css-Edits-Fail
- Virtual directories – no diacritics
- Add Setting Group Strict Mode error
- ACP dashboard: last logins
- Fatal error
- Post link generation in topics with invisible posts (for users who can’t see invisible posts)
- Skin Tools: Update Members Skin Choice (MySQL5 Strict)
- Deleting comments ignores confirmation
- Member Sync: ACP password change
- Profile comment / friend notification’s (PM / PM disabled)
- My assistant
- [ topic=800 ] values stripped
- Installer: prefix
- Mass pruning forums problem
- Loggin out of Admin CP
- Phrases in a template
- ACP Search Set-Up little typo
- Last Post info
- Not exactly a bug: A Typo
- Legends error
- Admincp Logs bug
- Strict mode adjustment
- Calendar RSS <ttl> issue
- Incorrect age
- New bug with DST patch, HTTPS URLs
- Ignored users on Outline topic view mode
- Poor documentation on adding PHP in template bits
- Fatal error sources/action_public/search.php (~221)
- Converged board – Password was too long
- Slow Portal Plugin MySQL Query (Last X Topics), creates very high load. (I am including my fix)
- Registration Error: Password lengths
- Help Topics Not using Help Topic Title in browser title
- forum jump not in session location
- Javascript error in downloaded topic containing attachments
- Duplicate entry in lang_profle
- PM Block List Bug
- Incorrect integer value, remove member photo
- Rating strict mode
- Topic Notifications – invalid notifications
Liste des fichiers modifiés :
- sources/components_public/profile/posts.conf.php
- sources/components_public/profile/topics.php
- sources/components_public/profile/topics.conf.php
- sources/components_public/profile/posts.php
- sources/components_public/profile/aboutme.php
- sources/components_public/profile/aboutme.conf.php
- sources/action_admin/moderator.php
- sources/action_admin/settings.php
- sources/action_admin/skin_sets.php
- sources/action_admin/member.php
- sources/action_admin/login.php
- sources/action_admin/skin_css.php
- sources/action_admin/skintools.php
- sources/action_admin/rebuild.php
- sources/action_admin/member_tools.php
- sources/action_admin/dashboard.php
- sources/action_admin/calendars.php
- sources/action_admin/skin_import.php
- sources/action_admin/modlogs.php
- sources/action_admin/languages.php
- sources/action_admin/api.php
- sources/action_admin/forums.php
- sources/action_admin/adminlogs.php
- sources/tasks/removevalidating.php
- sources/loginauth/convert/auth_sha256.php
- sources/loginauth/login_core.php
- sources/classes/class_email.php
- sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php
- sources/classes/attach/plugin_post.php
- sources/classes/attach/plugin_msg.php
- sources/classes/post/class_post.php
- sources/classes/post/class_post_edit.php
- sources/classes/post/class_post_reply.php
- sources/classes/bbcode/class_bbcode_core.php
- sources/classes/bbcode/class_bbcode.php
- sources/classes/class_session.php
- sources/sql/oracle_queries.php
- sources/sql/mysql_queries.php
- sources/handlers/han_editor.php
- sources/portal_plugins/recent_topics.php
- sources/lib/func_topic_threaded.php
- sources/lib/func_mod.php
- sources/lib/search_mssql_ftext.php
- sources/lib/func_msg.php
- sources/lib/search_oracle_ftext.php
- sources/lib/func_usercp.php
- sources/lib/search_mysql_man.php
- sources/ipsclass.php
- sources/api/api_settings.php
- sources/api/api_skins.php
- sources/action_public/moderate.php
- sources/action_public/profile.php
- sources/action_public/topics.php
- sources/action_public/usercp.php
- sources/action_public/attach.php
- sources/action_public/misc/contact_member.php
- sources/action_public/misc/warn.php
- sources/action_public/misc/print_page.php
- sources/action_public/login.php
- sources/action_public/calendar.php
- sources/action_public/boards.php
- sources/action_public/register.php
- sources/action_public/findpost.php
- sources/action_public/messenger.php
- sources/action_public/help.php
- sources/action_public/xmlout.php
- skin_acp/IPB2_Standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_member.php
- skin_acp/IPB2_Standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_editors.php
- skin_acp/IPB2_Standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_forums.php
- tools/ssi.php
- tools/ssi_templates/news.html
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_profile.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_global.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_post.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_email_content.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_register.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_msg.php
- cache/lang_cache/en/lang_ucp.php
- uploads/profile
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10004/version_upgrade_mssql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10004/version_upgrade_mysql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_21011/mssql_updates.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10002/version_upgrade_mssql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10002/version_upgrade_mysql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10003/version_upgrade_mssql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_10003/version_upgrade_mysql.php
- upgrade/installfiles/upg_23008
- init.php
- jscripts/ipb_register.js
- jscripts/ipb_global.js
- jscripts/ips_profile_portal.js
- install/sql/mssql_tables.php
- install/sql/oracle_tables.php
- install/sql/mysql_tables.php
- install/sql/pgsql_tables.php
- install/sql/mssql_install.php
- install/core/actions/db.php
- resources/settings.xml
- resources/macro.xml
- resources/help_settings.xml
- resources/ipb_templates.xml
- resources/ipb_skin-pro.xml.gz
- resources/ipb_images-pro.xml.gz
- resources/version_history.php
Fichier de différences du code source 2.3.4 <-> 2.3.5 :
diffreport.txt (894.23 Ko)
Fichier de différences des templates 2.3.4 <-> 2.3.5 :
234_235.html (140.23 Ko)
Merci à Erwin d’IBF pour cette traduction.