Mobuzz TV met la clé sous la porte

Bien triste histoire qu’est celle de Mobuzz TV, présent sur la toile depuis quatre ans déjà. Suite à une levée de fonds qui tourne mal, la Web TV fait appel aux internautes afin d’espérer obtenir les 120 000 euros nécessaires pour tenir le coup trois mois supplémentaires. Le compteur de dons affiche 30 000 euros à la date limite. Belle somme, mais pas assez. Mobuzz ferme donc ses portes et restitue l’argent comme cela avait été annoncé sur le site il y a quelques jours.

Mobuzz TV, c’était une équipe de 16 personnes et 5 émissions en trois langues chaque jour.

Il ne reste désormais plus que le message suivant sur le site et bien sûr, dans nos esprits, ce que fut cette pétillante Web TV.

Mobuzz Update

It is with deep regret that we inform our friends and fans that MobuzzTV has closed officially today. We need to take some time to see how best to reorganise our project. We have been talking with many interested parties but unfortunately we have not been able to financially sustain our operations until the agreements were closed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have donated to save Mobuzz, and let you know that as we shall not be continuing we will be returning all the donations to you.

We are tremendously proud of all the shows we have produced over the last 4 years and we remain convince that online video has a great potential. When we started working on Mobuzz, we knew that it was an ambitious project. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Although we are deeply disappointed with the way this adventure has ended, we hope that it will not stop us from daring to act on inspiration.

The past few years have been an amazing journey. We would like to thank all of the fantastic people who have helped us along the way. All of our friends who provided us with valuable feedback about how to improve our shows; the blogging community, who has proven to us that “community” is more than just a word; and the friends and family who have supported us as we pursued what undoubtedly seemed like a crazy dream back in 2004.

We have met many incredible new people thanks to Mobuzz. We hope you will stay in touch as we move on to a new future.

See you in our next year!

The Mobuzz Team

Baptiste Simon aka TiChou

Ingénieur développeur web dans le secteur du e-commerce et du tourisme mais avant toute chose passionné par internet et ses intarissables ressources.

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