Mort à (/, longue vie à Le nouveau projet, fork de celui qui a fait la réputation d’osCommerce (on ne pourra pas lui envoyer ça), est lancé depuis quelques temps déjà et devrait voir le jour dans les semaines à venir.
Rien qu’à voir les dernières news du projet initial remontant à janvier 2008, on comprend bien que certains soient irrités et aient décidé de reprendre le projet, le relancer et le développer.
Welcome to The osCommerce Project
The new osCommerce Project came about as the result of the lack of development of the original project, and is available for free as an Open Source based solution released under the GNU General Public License.
osCommerce was started in March 2000, firstly under the name of The Exchange Project, and has since matured into an eCommerce solution that is powering tens of thousands of shops around the world.
If you include the number of modified osCommerce websites then that number probably rises into the hundreds of thousands of websites.
The intention of the new osCommerce Project is to continue to develop this piece of software, and to bring it up to date with modern day eCommerce shop owner requirements.
We welcome you to The osCommerce Project
L’année 2009 verra donc le retour d’osCommerce !